2024 Retirements

Rev. Cheryl A. Armstrong

Clinical Affairs Manager, Teleflex

Cheryl A. Armstrong [(FD) PD 2012; FD 2015]
Respiratory Therapist at Helen DeVos Ped Pulmonary Clinic and Grand Rapids: Genesis (Deacon) Pastoral Care Minister 2012; Respiratory Therapist at Helen DeVos Ped Pulmonary Clinic and Missional at Lowell: 


First (Deacon Unpaid) 1/1/2014; Respiratory Therapist, Helen

DeVos Pediatric Pulmonary Clinic and Lowell: First (Deacon) Pastor of Discipleship (Paid) 10/9/2015; Field Clinical Specialist for RespirTech Medical and Lowell: First (¼ - Missional Service) 2018; Clinical Affairs Manager, Teleflex 12/1/2022.



Rev. Tonya M. Arnesen

Jackson: First UMC

“Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find JOY in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under pressure and teach you true patience as you endure. And true patience brought on by

endurance will equip you to complete the long journey and cross the finish line—mature, complete, and wanting nothing.” (James 1:2-4, The Voice)

If one word could capture my 29 years of ordained ministry, it would be “JOY.”  I have loved doing what I believe God created me to do.  It has been a joy to love and serve; joy to learn and grow; joy to share the faith and invite others to respond in trust and obedience.  It has been a joy to witness as long-time Christians finally “get it” and first-time Christians “receive it” – the amazing grace of God.    

Thank you to five congregations who graciously welcomed me; forgave my mistakes, trusted my vision, risked change and innovation, and strived towards fruitfulness and growth.  I have loved them all; each uniquely contributed to my development as a Christian leader.  Thank you to the Detroit/Michigan Annual Conference, who called forth my gifts, harnessed my passions and offered numerous opportunities to lead and serve in the wider church.  Thank you to my family for their patience and space to follow God’s call.    

Tonya M. Arnesen [(FE) P 1995; F 1997]
Plymouth: First (assoc) 1995; New Baltimore: Grace 6/1/2000; Detroit: Metropolitan 2006; Dixboro 2011; Jackson: First 2019


Rev. Daniel J. Bowman

Swartz Creek UMC

In our 30 plus years of ministry, Celina and I have been blessed to serve five wonderful congregations. Each of these churches offered different but significant opportunities to serve Christ and the community. They were each very kind places 

that allowed us to learn and grow. They helped me in the process of becoming what God was helping me to become. It is my hope that we were able to help them as well. I am so grateful for the many wonderful friendships that were made and are still treasured today.

I am thankful that God called me to ministry in the United Methodist Church. The denomination and the Michigan Area (including the former Detroit Conference) were very good to me.

I am also grateful to my wife Celina and our children for the sacrifices that they made as we served. Sometimes plans were delayed in order to address the needs within a congregation. My family grew to understand this call and grew in faith through these experiences.

Finally, I want to thank my Lord Jesus Christ for His grace and kindness. I thank YOU that I have rarely felt alone in ministry. Even in those days I knew YOU were present and that I needed to adjust the antenna, pray with a friend, and wait upon the Lord. John 1:5 (RSV) has always sustained me.

Daniel J. Bowman [(FE) PL 1991; P 1993; F 1995]
LaSalle: Zion 5/16/1991; Lapeer: Trinity (assoc) 1/1/1995; Marlette: First 9/1/1998; Gaylord: First 2014; Swartz Creek 2020; Retired 12/31/2023


Rev. Ronald K. Brooks

Grand Ledge: First UMC

Today, I was sitting in the sanctuary at the Grand Ledge First UMC staring at the stained-glass window of Jesus praying to his Father in heaven. The light shone through the glass and showered me with a kaleidoscope of color and the memories began to bubble  


to the surface of my mind. The joy of ministry is like that warm glow that floods through that stained glass coloring each moment of the congregation and one’s own life. It is the joy of witnessing lives transformed, marriages strengthened, and spirits uplifted. It is the profound and sacred privilege of being invited into so many people’s lives over the years…baptisms, weddings, funerals. As I look upon that stained glass window and reflect upon my ministry, I am reminded of how the Spirit takes our brokenness, our poor attempts to share the beauty of the gospel, to live lives that somehow imperfectly reflects the love, grace, and mercy of a perfect God and melds them together into something of priceless value.

As I sit and pray, words of gratitude rise up. The joy of being called into ministry endures, the vision of countless people who shepherded me as I tried to shepherd them. Nothing compares to the fulfillment found in leading a congregation through life’s joys and challenges, of witnessing the transformative power of faith in the lives of a faith community. As I gaze upon the metaphorical stained glass of my past ministry, I find myself contemplating and anticipating the next leg of this journey of faith. Could this day mark not the sunset of one’s life but rather the sunrise of something new, not a departure but a continuation—a chapter where the hues of service and devotion remain vibrant, refracted through the lens of experience, a life seeking to humbly live out the divine call? May it be so.

I would be remiss to not say “thank you” to my wife, Penny, who saw much too little of me because of my work. You have made me a better person and pastor and now, like Caleb in his senior years, I look forward to taking our next mountain together.

Ronald K.  Brooks [(FE) D 1985; FE 1988]
Center Eaton, Brookfield 1985; Nashville 1988; Lawrence 5/16/1991; Lansing: Mount Hope (Assoc) 1998; Lansing: Mount Hope 1999; Lawton: St Paul 2000; Carson City 2006; Voluntary Leave of Absence 2008; Lansing: Central 2009; Jackson: Brookside 2013; Jackson: Brookside, Trinity 2015; Jackson: Calvary (Director, Cooperative Parish para. 206.3 and 206.6) 11/1/2019; Grand Ledge 2020; Retired 2024.


Rev. Beverly J. Clark

Allen/Jerome & Calhoun County: Homer

Beverly J. Clark [(PL) DSA 2020; PL 2022]
North Adams, Jerome (CLM/DSA) (½) 1/1/2020; Allen (½), Jerome (¼) (CLM/DSA) 2021; Allen/Jerome & Calhoun County: Homer 2022; Homer (1/4) and Allen (1/4) 11/1/2022.


Rev. Deborah S. Cole

Reading, Frontier

Deborah S. Cole [(FL) FL 2015]
Reading 2015; Reading, Frontier 2022

Rev. John J. Conklin

Charlotte: Lawrence Avenue

Conklin, John “Jack” J. [(RE) FL 2002; AM 2008; PE 2014; FE 2016; RE 2024]
Mesick, Harrietta 12/1/2001; Scottville 2009; Williamsburg, Fife Lake Boardman Parish: Fife Lake, East Boardman, South Boardman 2017 (2018 Williamsburg,

Fife Lake, East Boardman, South Boardman formed Unified Parish); Charlotte: Lawrence Avenue 2020; Retired 2024.


Rev. Terri L. Cummins

Pierson: Heritage

As a young child we didn’t go to church.  My mother was a single parent of 4 and worked hard and tried to do her best by us, but religion wasn’t a priority.  When I was around 8 a church was built on our block.  It was a poor neighborhood in the 1960s.  There 

were a lot of children from poor

homes in the area. We loved having the new church there.  We would ride our bikes and our roller skates in their parking lot and play with our dolls on their thick lush grass.  One hot summer day, some of the ladies of the church came out and invited us in for free cookies and kool-aid. She called it ‘VBS’.  We had no idea what VBS was, but the free cookies and kool-aid sounded great!  We all went in.  They told us stories and let us do crafts too!  The next day, the other kids all wanted to go back…..they wanted more crafts, more kool-aid and cookies.  I went back for the stories!  They fascinated me!  That summer was a particularly hot one (this was before air-conditioning).  The church used to open their front doors to let a breeze in.  On Sundays, I would sneak up next to those opened doors and lean on the outside wall and just…..listen.  I’d listen to the stories, I’d listen to the music.  By the end of the summer I could sing along with most of the hymns.  I knew the words to Amazing grace well before I had a clue what grace even was.  When I look back, I wonder if that church ever knew there was a little girl outside their door, singing away along with them!  I believe God was calling me even then.

In 2010, following several careers including those as a Church Administrative Assistant and as a 911 Dispatcher, I finally said ‘yes’ to the persistent call I had been hearing to go into ministry.  This decision turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.  I finally know what it feels like to be EXCITED to go to work!  

Even with my early exposure to that church, I never really found my way back to a church until much much later.  I actually found my faith a little late in life. I was in my mid 30s when my children started asking questions about God that I couldn’t answer.  So I began to ‘take’ them to Sunday school, but I didn’t go in with them.   My home church, Crestwood UMC, had Sunday school after their service so I would get them there and when I saw folks coming out after the service, I would send my children in.  They usually would get there in time for kool-aid and cookies (we churches love our kool-aid and cookies) and then Sunday school was after.  I would take my Sunday newspaper and a cup of coffee and go down the street to a park and sit in my car and read my paper and enjoy some quiet time for an hour and then go back and pick my children up. 

One Sunday, the folks didn’t come out on time….the minutes ticked by and finally I got out of my car and peeked in to the window to see what was going on.  And SOMEONE SAW ME!  She saw me and insisted that I come in!  She said that church was just starting and we hadn’t missed much!  WHAT?!  Just starting!?  Seems, that I had forgotten about the time change! OOPS.  I couldn’t figure out an easy way to keep from going in with that dear woman staring so expectantly at me so I went in with my children to service.  I have always been exceedingly grateful that I had gotten completely dressed that day (sometimes I dropped my kids off while still in my pjs) !

The way the people treated my children, and the way my children walked around in the church with confidence and belonging, impressed me.  I began to go inside with them on a regular basis and we began to go in time for worship.  God caused a lot of things to happen for me in the next couple of years, and one day, as I sat in the sanctuary, I realized that I was a believer.  I can still feel the awe of that realization as I sat there, silently weeping, and understanding that I was His!  It was life-changing!

My call started soon after but I kept ignoring it until after my children were grown.  I was a single parent and needed to focus on raising them.  Plus I was sure that I was not ‘fit’ to be a pastor.  I didn’t know enough, I hadn’t been raised in the church.  But God calls who He calls and when I finally decided to say ‘yes’, He filled me so completely that I went on to lead with confidence, even if I had to ‘look things up’ once in a while. 

I think it is because of my late-blooming faith, that I carry such a deep passion for sharing my faith with folks who don’t know Him.  You see, I can still remember what it feels like to not know Him.  I remember how I said I was a Christian without realizing what that really was.  I can still remember, that emptiness in my life when I thought I knew….but had no idea.  And I can still remember the moment when I realized that my heart had opened and was now full of love and grace and mercy and blessings and Jesus!  I had no clue!  And I realize even now, that there are many many many lost souls who don’t realize they are lost, who don’t realize the awesome wholeness of being in relationship with Christ.

It is my mission in life to share Christ and His Good News with EVERYONE!  Everyone must at least have the opportunity to Know Him!  No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what you know.  Everyone is a much loved child of God and needs to hear about their Father and the Salvation purchased for them by Christ!  

I have been blessed to have served for 14 years!  My first appointment was at Shelby UMC.  Later Shelby UMC became a 2-point charge and we welcomed Claybanks UMC.  Then, 1n 2016 I was appointed to Heritage UMC.  The people of these churches taught me a lot about myself and my call.  They loved me and let me love them.  We did some really great ministry together.  I was blessed to be able to offer them communion, to baptize their children, to bring couples together in holy marriage and to lead them as they celebrated the lives of their deceased.  We studied together and learned new truths!  We listened to God’s message to us, we wrestled with doubts and we searched for answers and meaning.  We welcomed seekers and we prayed for those who didn’t know that they didn’t know.  We had some good times, some uncomfortable times and some times of great renewal and joy.  My only regret is that I did not answer the call sooner.  I still love my job and would continue on indefinitely if my body allowed.  I have given God my whole heart, and I have every confidence that He will use my future as He needs me.  I cannot wait to find out what He has planned for my next chapter! 

Terri L. Cummins [(FL) FL 2010]
Shelby 2010; Shelby, Claybanks 2014; Pierson: Heritage 2016.


Rev. Thomas A. Davenport

Parchment UMC

Thomas A. Davenport [(FE) D 1987; FE 1991]
Wellsville, Blissfield: Emmanuel 1989; Manchester 1994; Director, WMU Wesley Foundation 2002; Bangor: Simpson 2007; Transferred from Detroit Conf 2011; Parchment 2016; Retired 1/1/2024


Rev. Kimberly A. DeLong

Wyoming Park

Kimberly A. DeLong [(FE) PL 1998; CC 2003; PD 2009; FD 2012; FE 2016]
Muskegon: Unity (PT) 1998; Grand Rapids: First (Deacon-Director of Education ½) 2009; Turk Lake/Belding 8/15/2012;

Greenville: First, Turk  Lake/Belding Cooperative Parish (Deacon ½)

2013; Big Rapids: Third Avenue, Paris/Rodney (¶ 315.4) 2015; Wyoming Park/Courtland-Oakfield 2017; (Courtland-Oakfield became a circuit with East Nelson 2022) Wyoming Park 2022; Wyoming Park (¾) 2023


Rev. Kenneth C. Dunstone

Psychiatrist, VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System, Topeka, KS

Dunstone, Kenneth C. [(FE) P 1996; FE 1999] Stephenson, Hermansville: First 1996; US Army Chaplain (¶335.1b) 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum 12/16/1999; school (¶416.6) 1/1/2003; leave of 


absence 2017; Psychiatrist, VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System, Topeka, KS 2020.

Rev. Dirk P. Elliott

Director of Congregational Vibrancy and Leadership Development

Dirk P. Elliott [(FE) transferred from West Ohio Conf 2018]
Director of New Faith Communities and Congregational Development 2011; trans to Detroit Conf 2018; Conference Director of  

Congregational Vibrancy 2018; Director of Congregational Vibrancy and Leadership Development 2021; Retired 1/1/2024


Rev. Ann E. Emerson

Director Lake Huron Retreat Center

Ann E. Emerson [(FD) PD W. OH 1998; FD Det., 1999]
New Albany (West Ohio) 1998; transfer to Detroit 1999; Director Lake Huron Retreat Center 1999 [local church appointment: Lexington] Retired 12/31/2023


Rev. Charles D. Farnum

Director Wesley Foundation, Winthrop College, South Carolina Conference

At my first Board of Ordained Ministry interviews, people noted my prophetic stance on money and said they looked forward to me using this gift in the Conference. Some people have benefited

from the way I spoke against the accumulation of wealth and for expending it in serving others. To those who found it grating, I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful; I perhaps take more after Amos than Isaiah.

Thank you to all who supported me and my family in our ministry. Special thanks to the Campus Ministers who formed an authentic and loving community during my time here.

Charles D. Farnum [(FE) D 1997; FE 2002]
Middleton, Maple Rapids 1997; Battle Creek: Maple 2001; Leave of Absence 7/1-16/2006; Director, Wesley Foundation Central Michigan University (½) and Mt Pleasant: First (Assoc) (½) 7/16/2006; Director, Wesley Foundation Central Michigan University (¾) 2007; Director, Wesley Foundation Central Michigan University (FT) 1/1/2008; Director, Wesley Foundation Central Michigan University (¼) 1/1/2014; Appointed to South Carolina Conference, Director Wesley Foundation, Winthrop College 2020. Retired 2024


Rev. Robert J. Freysinger

Ishpeming: Wesley

Robert J. Freysinger [(FE) D 1981; FE 1985]
Center Eaton, Brookfield 10/16/1982; Lane Boulevard 1985; Napoleon 1988; Millville 2004; Millville (¾) and Stockbridge (¼) 2011; Kalkaska 2013; Fowlerville First 2015;

 Battle Creek: Newton (¼) 2016; Ida/Samaria: Grace 2019; Ida, Samaria: Grace, Lulu (Regional Director of Co-op Parish, ¶206.3 and ¶206.6) 2020; Ishpeming: Wesley 2021; Retired 12/31/2023


Rev. Billie Lou Gillespie-Brown

St. Louis: First, Breckenridge

Billie Lou Gillespie-Brown [(FL) FL 2000]
Henderson, Chapin 2000; West Vienna 10/15/2006; St Louis: First, Breckenridge 2020; Retired 2024; St Louis: First, Breckenridge 2024


Rev. John N. Grenfell, III

St. Clair: First

John N. Grenfell, III [(FE) P 1987; F 1989]
God's Country Cooperative Parish 1/1/1987; Grand Marais, Germfask; 2/1/1992; Menominee: First; 1994; in school; 1995 Menominee: First 1998; Belleville: First 1998; 2007 Plymouth: First 2007; 

St. Clair: First 2018-12/31/2023; Retired 1/1/2024.


Rev. James E. Hodge

Grand Rapids: Aldersgate

Sisters & Brothers in Christ,

I share my deep appreciation for the privilege of serving the West Michigan and now Michigan Area Conference as a minister of Word and Sacrament since 1984. I thank God, and you, for the countless

blessings of working alongside many loving congregations and colleagues. Thank you.

James E. Hodge [(FE) D 1984; FE 1986]
Somerset Center, Moscow Plains 1984; Bangor: Simpson 1989; Bangor: Simpson, Breedsville 1990; Shelby 1994; Grandville (Assoc) 2001; Caledonia 2005; Voluntary Leave Of Absence 2012; Grand Rapids: Aldersgate 2013



Rev. Laurie M. Koivula

Gresham, Sunfield

Laurie M. Koivula [(PL) PL 12/1/2014; FL 2016; PL 2018]
West Goodland 12/1/2014; Harrietta, Mesick, Brethren: Epworth, (W MI Conf) 2016; Mesick, Brethren: Epworth (½) 2018; Pontiac: Grace and Peace Community (½) 2019; Gresham, 

Sunfield (¾) 2021. Retired 1/1/2024


Rev. James W. Kraus

St. Joseph First

James W. Kraus, Jr. [(FD) DM 1998; FD 2001]
Director of Music and Director of Leadership Development, Diaconal Minister, St Joseph First 1998; St Joseph First (Deacon) 5/31/2001; Retired 1/1/2024

Rev. Matthew D. Kreh

Bath, Gunnisonville

My passion has always been to create space in the church where those without a church history or with a negative experience can thrive spiritually. It’s been my immense pleasure to 

serve in exciting places of ministry in the Lansing area including:

  • Campus Life in the 70’s and 80’s
  • Trinity United Methodist Church in the 80’s and 90’s
  • Riverview Church in the 00’s and 10’s
  • Mount Hope United Methodist in the 10’s
  • Bath and Gunnisonville Churches from 2015 - 2024

Thank you, family, mentors, and friends.  I’m so honored to have been raised in a “big tent” church that has cultivated my spiritual development through my entire life.  From a child, to youth, to today, you have surrounded me with an atmosphere of love and forgiveness.  As Christ to me, you have always encouraged and challenged me to remain centered on the good news of Christ’s message, “The Kingdom of God has come.” 

I look forward to adventures of service in retirement!

Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Kreh, Matthew D. [(FL) FL 2015]
Bath, Gunnisonville 12/1/2015


Rev. Kristen J. Leslie

Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care, Eden Theological Seminary

Ministry is in my DNA. As the daughter of a college chaplain, the niece of a pastoral counseling professor, and the grandchild of a Hebrew Bible professor, my call to 

ministry initially required sorting through what it meant for me to understand my vocational path. I started my 38 years of ordained ministry as a pastor at the Westlake UMC (East Ohio conference). Two years later, I transferred my membership to the Detroit Conference and answered the call to serve as the Chaplain at Adrian College. In my 5 years as the chaplain, my work with rape survivors motivated me to pursue advanced training, so off I went to the Claremont School of Theology (California) where I completed a Ph.D. in pastoral counseling. While completing my clinical training at The Clinebell Institute, I served on the staff of a rape crisis center.

My first teaching post was as the professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling at Yale University Divinity School. While at Yale, I served as a consultant to the U.S. Air Force Academy as they became embroiled in a sexual assault scandal. My last 14 years in ministry have been as the Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care at Eden Theological Seminary (St. Louis), while also continuing to train Navy and Marine chaplains to care for survivors of military sexual trauma. While at Eden, I have also been involved with finding emergency shelters for the unhoused in St. Louis and directing the Eden Gleaning and Garden Project.

Kristen J. Leslie [(FE) PE OH, 1986; FE OH, 1988]
Westlake (assoc), (E OH Conf) 1988; Chaplain: Adrian College 1989; Trans. to Detroit Conf, Chaplain: Adrian College 1990; school (School of Theology of Claremont) 7/1/1993; Professor of Pastoral Theology, Yale Divinity School 1/1/1998; Professor of Pastoral Theology and Care, Eden Theological Seminary 2010


Rev. Jane R. Lippert

Jane R. Lippert [(FE) D 1984; FE 1988]
Riverdale: Lincoln Road 1986; Muskegon: Unity (½) 1990; Grand Rapids: Genesis (Co-Pastor) (½) 1995; Leave of Absence 2007; Traverse Bay 2009; Personal Leave 9/1/2015.


Rev. Grant R. Lobb

Lapeer: Trinity

Grant R. Lobb [(FE) P 1983; F 1986]
LaSalle: Zion 1984; Croswell: First 1988; Owosso: First 1996; Marquette District Superintendent 2005; Lapeer: Trinity 2012; Retired 12/31/2023


Rev. Cheryl A. Mancier


I knew as a teenager that God had a call on my life, and had something He wanted me to do. But no one knew how to help me follow that call.  So I got married and began raising children. As I got involved in 


the churches I attended and then in the Detroit Annual Conference I again felt God leading me to do something different for Him. He then led me to start on the path of becoming a Local Pastor. 2007-2024 have flown by.

I have loved serving churches as their pastor and helping them find the joy and Love God has for their lives too. I have enjoyed working with children, teens, and adults into their nineties. Finding God’s fun and joyfulness in lives as they learn to walk in His ways is very worthwhile.

It came to me recently as I read a devotional written by Chuck Swindoll, which reminded me that God is the reason that I have joy in my life because of a Savior who has given His all for me. He is in the business of saving souls and taking care of our needs. Watching God transform the bad times into peace and calm and knowing He is in control, helps people in whatever difficulties I or they may face in this life. We know there is a better life to come.

This all reminded me of a song I learned many years ago. “Joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my heart, from the castle of my heart, because the king is in residence there.”

Even in retirement God will have jobs for me to do as I serve Him, and lets me help Him to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!!

Cheryl L. Mancier [(PL) PL 2007; NL Aug 2020; PL 2021] 2007 Washington; 2011 Bentley; 11/1/2016 Harrison: The Gathering; without appointment 8/31/2020; Pinconning, Alger (½) 2021; Pinconning (¼) 1/1/2024


Rev. Wayne E. McKenney

Mecosta: New Hope

Wayne E. McKenney [(FL) FL 1995]
Chase: Barton, Grant Center 11/16/1995; Webberville 8/1/2002; Boyne City, Boyne Falls 2005; Oshtemo: Lifespring, Lawton: St Paul's 2014; Lawrence, 

Lawton: St Paul's 2016. Mecosta: New Hope 2022. Retired 1/1/2024


Rev. James J. Mort

Marion, Cadillac: South Community

2007 was a special time for me. That was when I was commissioned as a Provisional Elder. Three years later I was ordained as an Elder. 2007 was also the year I was first appointed to 

serve as the pastor for the Marion and Cadillac South Community UMCs. As I started in ministry with the people there, I was filled with enthusiasm along with ideas for how these churches could be changed.

Forgive me for my hubris! The reality is that the people of these churches helped me to grow in the knowledge and love of God as I tried to do the same for them. Together we did the ‘usual’ things that are a part of the life of the church: worshipping together, Vacation Bible School, Advent & Lenten studies, meals together, celebrating Holy Communion, baptisms, and weddings; and grieving at funerals. We also did some things together I never would have anticipated: remote worship during our COVID lockdowns, figuring out how to social distance in worship, trying to understand/explain how we came to be voting on churches disaffiliating from the UMC as part of annual conference.

Through these years of ministry, 2007 – 2024, I strived to be a blessing and I was inordinately blessed. I give our God all the praise and glory for any “successes” that happened during this time of ministry, and trust in God’s grace for any of the “failures”.   May the Lord bless and keep you….

James J. Mort [(FE) PE 2007; FE 2010]
Marion, Cadillac: South Community 2007; Retired 2024


Rev. David D. Nellist

Dearborn: First

David D. Nellist [(FE) OE/OM 2000 (British Methodist Conf); FE in Michigan Conf 2022]
Schoolcraft 2000; Gull Lake 2008; Grand Rapids: Trinity 2010; Dearborn: First 2018; Retired 2024


Rev. Marva C. Pope

Pontiac: St. John UMC

Marva C. Pope [(FE) PL 2014; PE 2015; FE 2022]
Detroit: People’s 2014; Wayne: First 2018-12/31/2020; Greater Detroit District Assoc Director Justice & Missions Engagement (interim) (¾)

2/1/2021; Ford Memorial (interim) 5/1/2021; Sterling Heights (½) 2021; Sterling Heights (FT) 2022; Pontiac: St John 2023.


Rev. Dr. Wayne A. Price

Trenton: Faith

First, I give thanks to Jesus for an amazing journey full of wonder, blessings, and love. Second, I give thanks to Joy and our daughters Katrina and Rachel for their steadfast love and grace. My 


experience at Duke Divinity and Asbury’s Beeson Center

provoked me to keep Jesus at the center of all things. Beginning in the San Francisco Bay Area, I did not anticipate the variety of pastoral contexts ranging from California, to North Carolina, and Michigan. In every location I was blessed by disciples devoted to the Lord and living for God’s Kingdom. Through many saints I experienced God’s living word of Matthew 6:33, Matthew 25:40, and Mark 14:6. In California we experienced church renewal. In North Carolina God enabled us to break through centuries old barriers. In Michigan, we joined together to introduce many people to Jesus, and rejoiced in the new hope and acceptance they experienced. God’s omnipresent Spirit also united us with believers in Asia, Central America, Europe, and Africa.


My wish for those in pastoral leadership is to remain steadfast, knowing your labor is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). The times ahead for the church will likely include grief, uncertainty, and, by God’s power, renewal. Rely on God’s Presence of goodness, sacrifice, and resurrection to sustain you. May you be filled with the joyful knowledge of God and seek to proclaim God’s kingdom of light (Col. 1:9-14). Be faithful and God will produce the fruit.

Wayne A. Price [(FE) D 1988; FE 1993]
Transferred from North Carolina Conf 2000; Keswick 2000; Shepherd 2004; Kalamazoo: Westwood 2007; Trenton: Faith 2019


Rev. Rahim O. Shabazz

Detroit: Peoples, Westland: St. James

Rahim O. Shabazz [(FE) PL 2005; PE 2012; FE 2016]
Detroit: Henderson Memorial 2005; River Rouge: John Wesley 2006; Poseyville, Saginaw: West Michigan Avenue 2012; Romulus:

Community 2015; Detroit: St. Timothy, Westland: St. James 2017; Detroit: Peoples, Westland: St. James 2018


Rev. Anthony C. Shumaker

Middleville, Parmalee

My 22 years of Pastoral ministry have been a privilege. It took 8 of those years to fully accept that God created me to be a Pastor, which today seems at times mind blowing. 

I learned early on my spiritual gifts were strongest in pastoral care, and ministry with the dying. I also learned early administrative ministry would be a challenge! Without exposure to Family Systems Theory, I would have burned out early. I thank all who both directed me to it and participated in it with me.

Words cannot express how my home church, Plainwell UMC prepared me during my first 42 years of life before they sent me into Pastoral ministry. The Lord spoke through the Plainwell congregation and molded me for what was to come. I thank all the saints from my appointments to Almena, Burnips & Monterey Center, Trowbridge, Snow, Parmelee and the last 12 years at Middleville UMC. It is through both the joy and challenges of these congregations that Pastoral ministry allowed me to mature in my faith and leadership.

I thank the Lord for the UMC! I am so proud of our denomination which offers love, mercy, grace and forgiveness to ALL people. To my many clergy colleagues, thank you for walking alongside me. To my family, I owe you everything for the support, understanding, and grace you have given me in the last 22 years. “Loving God, Loving Each Other” is a Gather song which defines it for me.

Anthony C. Shumaker [(FL) PL 2003; FL 2004; PL 2009; FL 2012]
Almena 12/1/2002; w/o Appointment 2003; Burnips, Monterey Center 2004; Otsego: Trowbridge (¾) 2008; Middleville, Snow 2012; Middleville 2017; Middleville, Parmelee 11/2021


Rev. Edwin D. Snook

Edwin D. Snook [(RL) FL 2003; RL 2024] Big Rapids: Third Ave, Paris, Rodney 12/1/2002; Elsie 7/16/2005; White Cloud 2012; Long Term Medical Leave (para 356) 10/16/2020; Retired 2024.


Rev. Sherri L. Swanson


I’ve served six churches in Michigan over the past 33 years, and three prior to that in Iowa and Wisconsin during college and seminary. Each placement has held blessings for me, and each has stretched 

me in unique ways. 


I have truly loved being a pastor (most days). It has been a privilege to walk alongside people through many sacred moments in life – the joys and the challenges. I have especially enjoyed leading membership classes and small-group studies. I’ve also loved my time with the children of the church. They bring me so much joy and hope! 

Within the Conference, I have valued my work with the Board of Ordained Ministry and three District Committees on Ministry. I also feel honored to serve as a member of our General Conference delegation.

My husband – Brad Bartelmay – and I are planning on doing some traveling in the coming year. I also look forward to spending more time with my parents and our children. I imagine there may be volunteer work or even some part-time paid work in my future. I do not yet know what new thing God has in store for me, but I will try to be attentive to the Lord’s leading.

Thank you to all the wonderful people who have accompanied me on this journey, especially my family – Brad & our sons, Ben, Tom & Sam, and the parishioners from all our churches. God bless you!

Sherri L. Swanson [(FE) D 1987; FE 1994]
Transferred from Iowa Conf 1991; Galien, Olive Branch 1991; Galien, Olive Branch (¾) 1993; Berrien County: Lakeside (¼) 1995; Three Oaks 9/1/1999; Grand Rapids: Faith 2017; Georgetown 2018


Rev. Irene R. White

Norway: Grace, Faithorn

Irene R. White [(PL) PL 1997]
Escanaba: First (assoc) 1997; Escanaba: First (assoc), Trenary 9/1/1997; Trenary 1/1/2000; Munising, Trenary 1/1/2009; Norway: Grace 2011-12/31/2023, 


Faithorn 2011; Retired 12/31/2023


Rev. Charles A. Williams


Charles A. Williams [(FE) FD 1995; FE 2000]
Mesick, Harrietta 1992; Belding 2/15/1997; Quincy 1/1/1999; Alden, Central Lake 2003; Keswick 2010; Leave of Absence 2011; Houghton:

Grace 2013; Houghton: Grace, Painesdale: Albert Paine Memorial 2019; Hartland 2020; Hartland (¾) 1/1/2023


Rev. Karen B. Williams

Ludington: St. Paul

Serving on the BGM 12 years, VIM trips to Haiti and Liberia.

Using gifts of Art, Drama, and Music to Make Disciples for Jesus Christ.

All the joy of working with MI Conference Leadership, District Youth, Children’s ministry, and the Emmaus Community.

My first appointment was in the Detroit Conference which became the MI Conference.  I have been part of the Flint District, which became the Crossroads District, which became the East Winds District; my final appointment was serving Ludington St Paul in the Western Waters District. In every setting I served, I found a wonderful sense of family, friends, and fun, as we worked side by side, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I loved every moment and am so thankful for every person that crossed my path these past 21 years. One statement that I have often made goes something like this: “I am so glad to meet you, for now I know Jesus even more, because I have met Jesus in You”.

People often ask, what bible verse is yours? (all of them really) I would claim Matthew 7:7. When I first began to ask about God, I was given this challenge…

“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” Mt 7:7

Karen B. Williams [(FL) PL 2003; FL 2005]
Mt. Bethel 2003; Flint: Lincoln Park 2005; Waterford: Central (assoc) 2009; Caring Covenant Group Ministry: Genesee, Thetford Center 2010; Ludington: St Paul 2023.


Rev. Joyce L. DeToni-Hill

Rev. Joyce DeToni-Hill  retires June 30 from Mountain Sky Conference after 38 years serving in the Legacy West Michigan and Mountain Sky conferences.

In retirement she will be serving as a pilgrimage guide on the Camino de Santiago in Spain.


Rev. William R. Lass

William R. Lass [(PL) PL 2019]
Lulu (¼) 1/1/2019; Britton: Grace (½) 2020.


Rev. Joseph D. Shaler

Dorr: Crosswind, Wayland

Joseph D. Shaler [(FE) PE 2001; FE 2003]
Otsego 2001; Dorr: Crosswind, Wayland 2022

2024 Michigan Annual Conference