Please contact Michigan Conference Events Planner and Annual Conference Executive Team member Nancy Arnold
General Meals
The Commission on the Annual Conference Session has worked very closely with the Grand Traverse Resort's Food & Beverage Manager and Chef to craft delicious menus for our conference.
Special Dietary Needs Grand Traverse Resort has committed to providing complete menus for those with special dietary needs.
If you avoid any of the seven main allergens (dairy, egg, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, fish, wheat/gluten), you can safely dine from the special allergen-free buffet line. There will be one buffet line outside of the Michigan Ballroom, one in the Tower/Mackinac/Peninsula Room pre-function space, and one outside in the Pavillion (yellow tent).
Please review the menus during registration and check the special dietary meal option checkbox to receive this throughout the week. If you have concerns once onsite, please see the Grand Traverse Resort staff.
There are limited Focus Meals this year, which will allow more space between chairs, and allow more seating outside.
For Lay Equalization Members, Thursday Dinner, Friday Lunch & Dinner, and Saturday Lunch are included in your registration.
Meals are served buffet style. Final meal costs include a 24% gratuity for service personnel.
Meal costs are coming soon.
There are also four onsite restaurants available as a pay-on-your-own-option.
Breakfast is considered optional and not included in equalization member registration. The breakfast buffet can be added at registration. Other onsite breakfast options are Sweetwater American Bistro, hotel coffee shop, or Hotel and Tower room service.