Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when Christ is revealed, we will be like Christ, for we will see Christ as Christ is. - 1 John 3:2 The Inclusive Bible
Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. - Isaiah 41:10
Opening our doors and going out into the world...
It is time to boldly turn a page and welcome exciting new chapters in our conference journey. A return to the critical missional and ministry needs of the world that surround us. A time to ask how Christ is working in us to be open, innovative, creative, disciplined, and faithful in how we go about creating new and energizing disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. That is what is at the heart of this quadrennial theme, “Fearless.”
Let us look at places where we are opening our doors and walking out to embrace the world around us. We will highlight innovative ways of welcoming as well as how we go forth into the world to see, hear, affirm, engage, and create new communities. We will look how we are accountable to God’s call for hospitality and how to assess our progress.
Clergy will attend the Clergy Session on Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Annual Conference will begin with Opening Worship and Memorial Service on Thursday, May 30 and concluded at 5 pm on Saturday, June 1.

January: Preachers, teachers, and speakers announced.
February 1 Submission deadline for all legislation with possible financial impacts on the conference budget.
February 15 Submission deadline for all legislation without a financial impact on the conference budget.
February 28 Mission and Ministry content due to conference communications.
March 1 Annual Conference registration opens at 9:00 AM
April 1 Board and Agency Reports due to conference communications.
April 15 Pre-conference reports posted to this website for review.
April 30 Early registration closes!
May 1 - May 19 Late registration open with $50 fee, not covered for retirees or conference equalization members.
May 16 Laity Orientation, 7:30 - 8:30 PM
May 18 Laity Orientation, 9 - 10 AM
May 21, 22 Dates for online Legislative Committees. Both nights at 7 PM.
May 23 Late Registration reopens with a $50 Late Fee, not covered for retirees and conference equalization members. Late Registrants will not be able to participate in legislative committees. Meal tickets are not guaranteed.
May 29 Clergy Session 2 PM
May 30 Opening Worship and Memorial Service 1 PM. Laity Event 4:30 PM
May 31 Plenary Sessions, Corporate Session, Service of Recognition Commissioning and Ordination.
June 1 Annual Conference concludes at 5PM
Watch Annual Conference Live
Thursday, May 30 - Saturday, June 1 • Clergy Session Wednesday, May 29
The 2024 Michigan UMC Annual Conference opens on Thursday, May 30 with worship at 1:00PM with Bishop David Bard, Plenary Session at 3:00PM, and the Laity Perspective featuring Rev. Ginger Gaines-Cirelli.